NP: Guided By Voices, Isolation Drills (CD)
I'll take "things you fall off of and get back on for $100," Alex.
Just in case you're wondering, the infrared signal from a wireless mouse and keyboard can transmit through a cat. Yesterday, LV decided I was lonely, and once again managed to get underneath the shelf upon which my monitor lives. I tell you this in order to rehabiliate my image, which as it stands, doesn't typically comment on things that are cute. Damn image. I even nearly said "awwww" out loud today when I opened e-mailed pictures of a friend's baby. So I'm not always so dark (almost typed "dork," to which the same pretty much applies), but the dark stuff typically requires the catharsis of writing about it.
Also, I apologize to Chicago for the rain. This is my fault, and next time I'll refrain from getting my car washed.
The Cubs lost their spring training opener to the Giants, 9-3, and as such, things may be back to normal. I'm assuming it's their first game, as it's the first time they've shown up in my sports ticker on my home page.
While dwelling on and in Chicago, watch this clever segue into politics. I've seen some rumblings after Super Tuesday that even Al Sharpton might drop out, so we may be reduced to Kerry vs. Kucinich when the Illinois primary rolls around. Which means, subsequently, that I may not bother, seeing as how I don't know a damn thing about any of the senate candidates, other than Blair Hull had a difficult divorce, and Elbo Room has a sign up supporting Dan Hynes. In the absence of actual research, that might be enough for me.
This brings us back to Kerry, of whom kausfiles did an excellent job articulating my reservations of more thoroughly. Difficult syntax of that statement aside, I'm still not crazy about him, but not to the point where I'd consider casting my vote for the little elf from Ohio. Maybe I'll cast a ballot in the GOP primary against Dubya. That'll show him. Also on the radar is an interesting op-ed piece in the New York Times that suggests Bill Clinton as the Dems' VP candidate. I didn't necessarily say compelling, just interesting, particularly since a followup letter in today's NYT points out that while the 22nd amendment isn't necessarily an issue, the 12th may be.
Meanwhile, I am on track to become the sandwich music king of Chicago, rather than the part-time-contract-work-for-travel-website king, although the part-time nature of that potential assignment would have only conferred the status of, say, duke. You could be a kickass duke.
To answer the obvious question stemming from that reference, yes I have been listening to Tenacious D lately. I may even add "Friendship" to the Coz Sings set, because the verse about the bear is one of the funniest things on a record since Spinal Tap's "The Sun Never Sweats."
Most importantly, I've cleared the wall. Every time this happens, I wonder a bit if I'm completely stuck in a rut, but then I get back to whatever balls in the air and irons in the fire I had before I got the figurative suckerpunch from the powers that be and I forget it ever happened. At least until the next one, although the way things are starting to progress, that probably won't be due to waking up to the reality of financial pressure, which has consistently factored into the equation in the past. See sandwich king comment above, along with me probably owing Tony for bringing up payment for the open jam on Tuesdays. And the consecutive weeks with paying musical gigs are still ongoing, until the end of March or possibly beyond, even with Late Night Radio imploding.
Or not, but I'm only tossing ideas around for that particular project rising from the ashes like a Tuscon. That reminds me, Duckman needs to come out on DVD. With the Family Guy getting a new lease on life, and even Firefly now getting a movie after DVD releases, I think it's only fair. The petition is here. is not spamming you -- please read
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January 2, 2014
Slacker Profiteering
July 7, 2013
In My Defense
June 20, 2013
When A Foul Isn't A Foul
February 5, 2013
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