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March 23, 2004

Wonkette Burned my Pizza

NP: Interpol, Turn on the Bright (MP3)

Damn you, Wonkette! With all the running around of late -- out by 9:45 or so for an interview, then on to the part-time gig -- I've been neglecting my crush, so I was trying to catch up tonight while the frozen pizza I paid for with my hard-earned money was going one step beyond golden brown. Maybe two steps. The sacrifices I make for our affair!

Yeah, it's sad. I missed her. And by her, I don't mean Ana Marie Cox, editor of said blog. As I've stated probably enough times to make you recommend either mental help, getting out of the house more, or both, I'm talking about the little cartoon character on the top of the page. I'm sure Ms. Cox is nice and all, but those boots! And that mouth! She's kinda dirty.

On the train today I was thinking more about this whole notion that I operate on principles rather than in the pursuit of goals. It may translate to something here on the site, sort of a (warning: geek term) traceroute of significant things that happen in my life. I need to find the right scale for it to work right, as it would be too easy to just say "I moved to Chicago, so this happened." More like "I joined a cover band with my friend Scott, which ultimately led me to start singing cover tunes on my own, which then brought me to the Vaughan's open jam, and ultimately Diver. We played Blue Bayou, and as a result, I may have a jazz trio."

I could backtrace knowing Scott, but I don't know if I can buy into the notion that I might have a jazz trio because I thought Ivy League schools were overrated, since that led me to the U of C, where I met the friends I was hanging out with at Cubby Bear the night I met McKenna, which led to our band placing an ad looking for a guitarist.

On second thought, maybe that extensive of a history is useful, because it ties what I'm doing now back to the principle of looking past the conventional wisdom or the hype and finding something that feels right, like going to school in Chicago. Several of the other decisions along that route fall into that category, while some others may have just been convenient. Except that I have this notion that I make decisions become convenient with decisions that preceded them.

It's all very complicated, and sorta making my head hurt, so I'm going to go have a beer and sing eighties tunes, with a moment of silence for J.J. Jackson.


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