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March 30, 2004

Off Track

NP: Chelsea vs. Wolverhampton (TV)

Somebody alert TDK quality control. Their videotapes suck. I got myself all worked up last night, thinking my VCR had finally crapped out, but I think it's just a string of bad media. Then again, at 99 cents apiece, I guess you get what you pay for. The immediate dilemma was whether or not I replace the VCR with a newer model, or jump to TiVo, which I've wanted to do for a while. The dilemma becomes an out-and-out quandary when you factor in the almost forgone conclusion that I'm going to get TiVo eventually, combined with the obvious problem that, to do TiVo right, you need to shell out nearly $700 (80-hour drive, lifetime programming subscription and the home media option), and if you've been following these proceedings with any regularity, you know that I don't have that kind of money to throw at a solution.

After trying a new tape, though, the inability to track seems to have gone away. Fingers are being crossed almost as we speak.

In spite of the technical problems, I was able to get some quality TV-watching in, but I'll save that for over here. It did knock me off of my crazy idea to actually get some practice in last night, as there was no way in hell I was going to trust the new tape to get The Sopranos without a hitch. There was also a vague notion to finish up my taxes, but I've still got time, and they're almost done anyway.


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