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April 05, 2004

Ball of Contusion

NP: The Simpsons (TV)

That's what the Coz is today. I'm still operating under the assumption that all I'm dealing with is a bad bruise, as I've got most of my range of motion back, and now it really looks like a bad bruise.

Today was the last of the sandwich gigs. It was supposed to be on Wednesday, but concurrent with me finding gainful employment, they decided to cut back on entertainment expenses. The final gig was notable, first because I was hungover like hell and took most of the first set to recover my voice. I actually did a good job of picking songs I could get away with until that happened, which I see as another one of those markers along the path of actually knowing what the hell I'm doing.

The second bit was that I've started playing "Bound For The Floor" from local band Local H, and as fate would have it, singer Scott Lucas was in for lunch today. Or so I was told later. I wouldn't be able to pick him out of a police lineup, although if I could, I'm not sure if I would have played the song with him in the room. Coincidentally, I opted not to add that to the set this time out.

Speaking of artists who might walk in while I'm playing their songs, I met Geno and Joel last night at Cullen's, where Eric was playing with Gareth Woods. Somehow I managed to find half a dozen imperial pints of Bass, which is the root cause of today's hangover. The fried egg sandwich at the way-too-brightly lit Jeri's Grill, quite the throwback to the Korean trip, was supposed to preempt that, dammit. All in all, no complaints, though, as it was a fun night overall.

Lots to do this week while I've got daytime hours still mostly free.


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