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April 14, 2004

Keyword Search

NP: John Cage, 4'33" (dance mix)

It dawned on me today that, for the first time ever, my job title does not include any of the words "marketing," "research" or "analyst." Relevance of words happens to be a key part of the gig, so these sorts of revelations will follow.

And wow. A non-spam comment. I'm suitably impressed. And the LJ readers suitably confused, but no bother. It's the price you pay for the manual feed.

I added another song to the rock opera last night after some discussion with Weeza. After meeting Blue Jean, our hero starts to wonder if something is wrong via Duran Duran's "Is There Something I Should Know?" There may be more to flesh out, and I'm thinking the ideal way to do this is to have Tributosaurus front various singers acting out the storyline. I may have to bring that up with them.

RealPlayer 10 is really starting to piss me off. Actually, all things related to digital music are causing me grief. Took me three tries to compile a mix CD last night, and my portable player gets really finicky with CD-Rs. This might be an indicator that my burner is dying, but even that doesn't explain why RealPlayer insists on crashing my computer immediately after it finishes burning a disk. And now it neglected to notice half the songs that I paid good money for. Unfortunately, a bunch of things need to happen before I can dump it for iTunes, and those things require both money and motivation that I'm having trouble finding right now.

There may have been more, but I'm sleepy.


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