NP: Robert Randolph and the Family Band, Unclassified (CD)
Self-publishing means never having to explain your entry titles.
Anyway, things keep on keeping on. More errands to run over lunch, which is another one of those aspects of the day job that I had forgotten about. Heck, I have more or less forgotten about lunch, as the slacker lifestyle lent itself to a late breakfast, early dinner, and the inevitable late-night fast-food run.
I actually got some drumming in yesterday after work. Again, the convenience of the Green Line with respect to the office might make this a more regular occurence. I've half a mind to switch the home kit and the away kit, because I just like the green maple drums so much more, even if they're heavier.
Talking Points Memo riffs on current polling, which got me thinking about Kerry's strategy, if he's got one. There's certainly a strong "anybody but Bush" vibe among a significant part of the voting population, so why mess that up with actual ideas until you have to? I'm not saying it's a good strategy, but it may explain why the Massachussetts senator hasn't really lit into Bush yet. Iraq and the 9/11 commission may do the job for him right now, so better to save your money for later.
Also in the news, today's New York Times (registration required, but you know that by now, don't you?) profiles Ana Marie Cox and Wonkette. With a picture! And the unfortunate tidbit that she moved to DC with her husband, although I still maintain that I've got a bigger crush on the logo girl on the site anyway. Again, it's the boots.
If you haven't guessed by now, yes, I'm reading a lot of blogs. Which means I haven't really started working at work just yet, but things are coming along. I've got a handle on what I need to do, but haven't had the meetings with the people who can actually get me started down that road.
Still haven't figured out why the site look so crappy on the work PC, but it may get me to bribe Phineas with soccer tickets sooner rather than later to help fix a whole host of design and navigation issues. is not spamming you -- please read
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Housekeeping note
January 2, 2014
Slacker Profiteering
July 7, 2013
In My Defense
June 20, 2013
When A Foul Isn't A Foul
February 5, 2013
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