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April 23, 2004

Arrest This Man, He Talks In Maths

NP: Weather Report, Domino Theory (CD)

Who would have thought I would have forgotten math in two years away from everyday analysis? Not math, in total, but I've been struggling this week with some data issues. The current notion is that I just can't get the numbers I want in the form that I want, and the mildly disconcerting part is how long it took me to reach that conclusion.

Other than that, the new job is humming along. It's a really good environment. Good people, good attitude, very interesting market. Give me benefits and I'll actually feel like I've landed. As of now, I'm making my descent.

As for ramping up my outgo to keep up with my income, I was a good boy during my ten-minute quick browse of Best Buy last night and didn't by a TiVo. That's coming, but not until I take a chunk out of my debt and take care of less frivolous things. Like new hardware for the gigging kit. And new glasses, as mine are about two or three prescriptions behind my contacts, and it's getting noticeable. And Fire tickets. I know, that looks like a luxury, but I owe that club too much to take myself off the season ticket rolls, even with my media pass.

Speaking of, I actually ran the show in Section 8 for the second half on Wednesday. Wasn't feeling it in the first, and something needed to be done, so we lashed the big bass drum between the podium and the wall, and it was off to the races. I yelled so hard I got light-headed, and I thought we did alright as a section. The team scored two goals, so I guess that says something.

And if I ever drop this new working life into a routine, I may find more time to post, but I have no notion of how big an "if" that might be. Flying by the seat of my pants for the first couple of weeks is expected, and I'm hoping it settles down. Of course, with two soccer leagues, one volleyball league, at least three bands and some form of social life, it's looking like you might want to buy stock in coffee companies. Just not Starbucks, 'cause I value the lining of my stomach.


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