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May 19, 2004

For Elvin

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Elvin Jones passed away yesterday. I'm both saddened and furious, as this didn't even make the cut at Reuters. I don't even want to contemplate what "news" was there in it's place. AP did better. Nothing on Launch or RollingStone.com, and there just aren't that many other music news sites out there. Billboard has it. I thought the Bad Plus and Norah Jones were supposed to make people care about jazz again?

It's the top thread on Velvet Rope, so at least the industry seems to care from within.

Didn't bring any jazz, or Elvin, to work today for office listening, but he'll be in heavy rotation the rest of the week, no question. One of the giants. There are only a couple of drummers left from that era -- Roy Haynes, Max Roach, Louie Bellson, to name the only ones I can recall -- and they should be cherished.

Elvin was 76.

More reflection later.


I don't know who Bad Plus is, but I don't think Norah Jones is going to make more people interested in jazz. Most people don't think of her music as jazz. I just don't think jazz will ever be as popular as it once was (40's and 50's). Unfortunately, its golden age is over. Seems like the audience is as small as the audience for classical music. At least, in the US. I've heard it has a bigger audience in Europe and Japan.

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