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May 29, 2004

No Comment (part 2)

NP: I Love The 80s Strikes Back (TV)

Okay, the comment spam got completely out of hand sometime today, so I had to take drastic measures. Seeing how comments are few and far between around here, I don't see this having that negative an impact on the user experience. And it just might force me to redesign some pages, which is ultimately a good thing. So how did you spend your three-day weekend? Redesigning a website with more bot than human traffic. Joy.

Lots of comings and goings toward the end of the week, literally and figuratively, but right now, it could be a net positive. One of the goings is that my roomie's out of town until Monday night. On the one hand, I'm now responsible for the cats, which will be somewhat tricky tonight if I go straight to Weeza's housewarming from the Fire game. On the other, I like having the apartment to myself, said cats notwithstanding.

And I don't want to alarm you, but there may be something resembling real journalism posted this weekend. It'll still be bloggy journalism, relying primarily on already-published sources, but it may have an actual point rather just me spouting off about shit.


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