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June 02, 2004

Big Tease

NP: Herbie Hancock, Head Hunters (CD)

It's getting increasingly difficult to live one's life and document it at the same time. The last few days included, in no particular order and with very little detail:

  • Corrupting the youth of Chicago.
  • Signing autographs for said youth. That wasn't what corrupted them.
  • Fire 1, Rapids 0. Controversial goal, but we'll take it. Still in first place, despite much wringing of hands among Internet fans.
  • Meeting much-noted and allegedly egotitstical blogger Mimi Smartypants. She's shorter than I expected.
  • Killing comment spam dead, with big props to Sour Bob for telling me about mt-blacklist. Comments will be enabled within a week or so, once I make some other tweaks to the archival formats.
  • Checking out Weeza's badass new pad. I mean, really badass. Sunday dinners may will themselves back into existance purely because we have such a great spot for them now.
  • Going to a Cubs game with three friends, but sitting with none of them due to the difficulty of finding four tickets together at the last minute on a holiday.
  • Reconnecting with an old volleyball friend at said Cubs game, sitting six rows in front of my lone seat.
  • Reconnecting with another old friend who just moved back to Chicago.
  • Assimilating the TiVo/DVD remote control into my universal remote.
  • Not getting a phone call that I would have liked to have gotten.
  • Not writing that hard-hitting piece on the open warfare within the Bush administration, most recently exemplified by Ashcroft's end-around past Tom Ridge and Homeland Security.
  • Not writing a new Fire column, but I've got a good idea for it.
  • Having my cell phone get suspicious that I'm trying to replace it and make a break for it in Trader Joe's, only to be successfully captured by the store staff. Although it was confusing when I called my phone and someone answered "Trader Joe's."
  • Getting an offer I can't refuse, but can modify for further financial gain. By tomorrow, I may no longer have been self-employed yesterday. Now if I could just get the retroactive full-time-instead-of-contract job offer to cover the last two years...

So you see why I haven't written, right?


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