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June 05, 2004

Book 'Em

NP: Radiohead, Hail To The Thief (CD)

I saw the Washington Post headline U.S. May Use New ID at Borders, and half expected the subhead to read "Barnes and Noble Still Deciding on New Policy."

And remind me not to bitch so much about rushing to get somewhere only to have to sit on my hands for extended periods of time, because clearly, I annoyed the free time gods, who subsequently punished me by obviating any compelling reason whatsover for getting out to some godforsaken suburb at 7:15 for a gig where we hit the stage after 11. Naturally, they didn't tell me this in advance. Sound check? Who needs a sound check?

The long and short of that is that weeknight gigs in the 'burbs may be the first casualty of the day job. Second, if you count the book, which is way off my radar right now.

On top of it all, I'm getting sick. In June. And not just from Joe Borowski's pitching. Somebody else may have to do the honors at the Fire game (3pm Central Time, ESPN2) this afternoon while I stick to just drumming.


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