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June 20, 2004

It's Not The Heat

NP: Tortoise, It's All Around You (CD)

Every once in a while, for whatever reason, I get into conversations about the differences between weather in Chicago and in New Jersey. One that came up recently is if the summers are tougher here or there, and after last week, I think New Jersey is clearly worse. The humidity was brutal, especially when a big chunk of my visit involved moving a large armoire from the second floor of my parents' soon-to-be-former house to my sister's third-floor walkup in Brooklyn. I wasn't originally planning on doing any laundry while I was back, but that changed in a hurry.

So I said my goodbyes to Scotch Plains, whatever that means. Stopped by the music store, of course, and drove by all of my former schools, which will have to suffice. The dinner for my mom was nice, but I didn't feel particularly engaged in it, from a social perspective. The important thing was that I was there, and thank god, didn't have to make a speech. Donna covered that base much better than I could, especially since she's been teaching lately. I would have gotten too philosophical, and with no preparation, that would have been exceedingly boring.


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