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June 24, 2004

It's Not My Fault

NP: Billy Cobham, Powerplay (MP3)

Okay, you know that rule, where you're not supposed to post things to the Internet when you're drunk?

Me neither.

What was supposed to happen was that I was going to have maybe a drink or two at a little company function, then high-tail it up to Foster and the lake and play some soccer. Except the weather didn't cooperate. So I wound up playing indoor beach volleyball, working up a sweat and having three different people bring me a fresh beer at the same time.

One thing I did learn is that you don't end up with so much sand attached to you if you wear pants. Don't take that out of context.

The completion of the acquisition was formally announced today, and I did quote Kent Brockman at some point. Still, not quite as traumatic as the last such incident. I feel vindicated that San Diego fell apart in terms of managing the site. Had I followed my old job out there, it would have gotten me two more years of steady income, but cost me my friends and the ancillary parts of my life that make up, well, most of my life.


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