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June 27, 2004

Glutton for Punishment

NP: Mike Keneally Band, Dog (CD)

The weekend. Time for rest and relaxation and recovery from the 9 to 5 grind of the work week. Right? Not me. Not today. Here's the schedule.

9:30am. Move P.A. system from my car to that of a Chicago Fire staffer. Load drums into car.

10:30am. Load-in for street festival gig.

Noon. Play what I thought was an hour-long set at said street festival (Lincoln and Melrose, if you're wondering), but may actually be an hour and a half, which may completely wreck today's down-to-the-minute timing.

1:30pm. Stop by rehearsal space for supplementary gear for the sound righ. Get to Soldier Field. Set up P.A. system.

2:45pm. Play in soccer match between Fire fans and Galaxy fans. The first half, anyway.

4:00pm. Sound check the band at Soldier Field.

5:00pm. Mix sound for said band. No, I don't remember their name. Some Christian band from outside of Chicago, if the guy I talked to's cell number is any indication.

6:00pm. Galaxy vs. Fire, and hopefully we take advantage of the other results in the Eastern Conference and stake a solid claim to first place.

8:00pm. Tear down P.A. and figure out how it's getting back to the store from which it was rented.

9:00pm. Arrive at Cullen's for the Diver gig. Set up. Play.

1:30am. Crash. Hard.


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