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July 04, 2004

Lessons Worth Learning

NP: Propellerheads, decksanddrumsandrockandroll (CD)

Okay, if you have two ways to get where you're going, and one of them takes you down Lake Shore Drive at around 9:30pm during the Fourth of July weekend, don't take that one. I have no idea what I was thinking, save maybe it would be nice to take an extra forty-five minutes to get where I'm going.

How have I spent my holiday weekend so far? Cleaning, mostly. The roommate made a strong case for spending much of yesterday eliminating the pervasive cat smell, to which I seem to have become desensitized, among other odors and detritus that needed to be eliminated. Busy people tend not to clean with the vigor and determination of those not so busy. Of course, when I've got nothing but free time, I figure I can clean whenever, then proceed to never get around to it.

The point being, the apartment is all clean and shiny now. And I no longer have nearly every back issue of Wired taking up one of the bookshelves. Packrat tendencies tend to wither in the face of rational discourse. What was I keeping all of them around for, anyway?


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