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July 13, 2004

Hydrating the Hard Way

NP: Robyn Hitchcock, Jewels For Sophia (CD)

If you're wondering where that storm that just blew in hit, I can say with authority that it broke right about Foster Avenue and the lake.

If you're wondering when, that would be shortly after the last Chicago Sport and Social Club soccer game got finished.

If you're wondering further, whether a participant in said soccer game could make it, on a bicycle, from Foster and the lakefront to Lincoln Square in the allotted time between the end of said game and the start of said rain, the answer would be an emphatic and soggy "no."

If you're wondering where I've been, well, I've been busy. Lots of demands on my time all of a sudden, including avoiding the home office whenever possible because the AC doesn't really reach in here very well. Although I did get a new coat of paint on the outside of the lookout.

So I'll likely be focusing on l.i.t.c. and the soccer stuff for the time being, at least until I can get into some sort of groove with regard to the other stuff. I still have things to say, of course, but it's not quite fully formed in my head and I can't quite push it off the assembly line.


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