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July 23, 2004

Hello Kitty

NP: Robert Randolph and the Family Band, Unclassified (CD)

I get the distinct feeling that A.O. Scott didn't like Catwoman. Just a hunch. It seems that critics live for these sorts of opportunities, because it's infinitely more fun to stretch those critical muscles when you're absolutely slamming someone's work. Even the explanation of the rating is harsh.

Speaking of the New York Times, they seemed to be the only ones who took the White House influence on the tax cut vote that I mentioned yesterday and ran with the "let's not give the Democrats a tax cut vote they can point to" angle. Most of the other stories countered that the White House wants the cuts extended five years and not two. Liberal media bias? Hard to say just yet. It's possible that somewhere in the "revised" five year version that Congress is expected to now vote on in September will include some poison pills that this one did not, because that's how you play this game.

Speaking of superhero movies, saw Spiderman 2 last night. Overall, I enjoyed it a lot, but I have a quibble or two. One is that Spidey doesn't crack wise nearly enough. Yes, I get that he's struggling with his dual identity and is desperately in love and all that, which lends itself to brooding, but brooding is for Batman. Spidey is a wiseass.

The other, I don't remember right now. If it comes to me, I'll let you know.


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