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July 26, 2004

Valuable XPerience

NP: Nirvana, In Utero (CD)

Okay, so the XP upgrade wasn't as quick and painless as I had hoped. I made one bad assumption, that a "new" install would wipe my C: drive, and it didn't. The result was a big ugly mess, and a few calls to Mitch later, I've got a plan of attack and should have the situation remedied later tonight, with a couple of time windows before and after the Marigold Engine rehearsal.

Sort of a disjointed weekend, at least out of the gate, with havoc wreaked on account of the weather at several key junctions. I already commented on Spiderman 2, but the whole "oh, I don't have a soccer game I should go see a movie" thing included forgetting that Tool's Danny Carey was playing at the Abbey that night with Pigmy Love Circus. Oh, well.

Then the Lawrence and Ashland guys weren't quite in tune with my plan to catch an early show of the third Harry Potter movie as part of my summer hours. Although they did a quick fix on my front panel, which wasn't just out of whack, but broken, and would have been $300 to replace. So I ran some errands and caught the 7pm show. Good flick. I contemplated loitering in the arcade for a while and seeing Riddick, which fit the bill of "movie I might like to see but would never pay for," but decided that I couldn't escape notice for that long. I used to think I could be inconspicuous, but not so much anymore.

Which brings me to a question. Does Harry wear number 7 in the Quidditch matches in the other movies? In the books? I thought that was a clever touch. David Beckham wears 7 for England, of course. Sorry, DaMarcus, it wasn't for you.

I've also come to the conclusion that there's some sort of city ordinance dictating that Irish (and English) bars in Chicago are required to offer all-you-can-eat fish and chips on Fridays. Seriously, it's getting out of hand.


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