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July 29, 2004

Frustation and Defenestration

NP: Gomez, Liquid Skin (CD)

If there's one thing that can absolutely get to me, it's having to depend on something (or someone) that is acting in completely random fashion. It's a control thing. It's a predictability thing. I can't control something I can't predict, but that's not the real story, because I like to think I can recognize when things are, in fact, beyond my control and just roll with it.

This is different. This is when things that should behave don't, or worse, when they become inconsistent for no reason. Computer as petulant child. Boot up once, everything's fine. Boot up again, and the whole thing is in slow motion. And I can't see the fucking network, so I can't, oh, I don't know, actually PROMOTE upcoming shows this weekend. Should have taken me five minutes to turn on the computer and send an e-mail, but a half-hour later, it was stuck in my outbox and I'm late for work. Now I'm just hoping the network thing works itself out at some point while I'm away, but I'm not optimistic.

It's a good thing my home office has narrow windows. The monitor would never fit through. CPU, maybe, but that wouldn't be nearly as satisfying. Bill Gates splattered in effigy on the sidewalk is what I need. Or Linux.

I shouldn't ever be having this bad of a day this early, dammit. Work isn't helping, as there's a black box sitting between what I need to do and actually doing it that, and it's not behaving, either.

And could the Fire cooperate and soothe me with an actual good game for once? Nope.

I picked the wrong day to stop sniffing glue.


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