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August 01, 2004

Video Killed the Networking Star

NP: Phillies vs. Cubs (TV)

I know there are probably much more interesting things in both the world and my life than how my computer is doing, but it sort of goes "top of mind" when I'm sitting in front of it, you know?

Anyway, I probably haven't left it alone enough to say for sure, but it seems like old video drivers might have been the culprit for my dangerous instability and wonky networking problems. So far things seem to be just a bit better. With one glaring exception, though. No matter what I do, I can't seem to get the computer to see my Handspring docking station. A little later, I'll dig into the Web proper and see what there is to be seen. That's helped me out a bit through this ordeal.

Then again, this could be yet another excuse to buy the Treo.

Oh, and still have SnailBIOS (tm) during bootup, and no idea how I might be able to fix that. Most of the tuneup advice goes toward the actual Windows part of the boot.

Elsewhere, you had to figure that Maddux would have to go for number 300 with the wind blowing out, and I mean really blowing out.


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