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August 04, 2004

A Day at the Beach

NP: The Cure, Galore (CD)

Just enough of a rain/fine mist to make walking to traffic court for lunch a bad idea, so I ran and errand and hit the beach. Burrito Beach, anyway. Not as good as Chipotle, to be sure, but also no lines out the freakin' door. I don't care how fast it moves, it's still a line out the freakin' door.

And that means I'm back here for one of those lunchtime posts I expected to maybe do more of. Oh, well. I need desperately to rev up some other parts of the site that aren't the main blog or list.in.to.chicago, but the legislation to add another day to the week is almost certainly going to take a back seat to the 9/11 commission recommendations.

Hey, a segue! And a way to make this not about what I had for lunch today! Gotta love how, with regard to the Intelligence Czar, the New York Times so blithely reported how "White House and Bush campaign officials have long said that the details matter far less than the pictures and sounds of Mr. Bush talking in any way about his campaign against terrorism, which polls show is still his strongest card against Mr. Kerry."

Or be very, very afraid and want to hide under your desk. I always get those confused.

That they would actually voice this opinion is but one of many factors that makes me think (somewhat hopefully, natch) Bush is toast in November, in ways that the polls aren't catching. At some point, people have to wise up, don't they? It's just like the pride with which the administration notes that they never, ever change their minds. That's not something to aspire to, really. I respect someone with the strength of their convictions, but only up to a point, after which it becomes bull-headed obstinance. Three guesses as to whether or not I think Bush and Cheney have reached that point, and the first two don't count.

If I was feeling industrious, there's the Halliburton stuff and the terror alert stuff, but I'm not feeling industrious -- Vaughan's on Tuesday is not so conducive to coherent thought on Wednesday -- and it's being done to death everywhere anyway.


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