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August 10, 2004

Bye Bye Bobby?

NP: King Crimson, The Power To Believe (CD)

If I'm reading this right, could Robert Novak go to jail if the Cooper decision stands? Or is this maybe a warning shot to get the Crossfire blowhard to 'fess up?

Either outcome is fine by me. I'm wondering if it's just a matter of timing as to why this is breaking with regard to the Newsweek scribe and not the guy widely credited as the main recipient of the leak.


Slate's got me covered here, too.


Although this is making the point that "it's not fair if Cooper and/or Pincus and/or Novak see the inside of a jail cell" more than "does this mean they'll start using a cardboard cutout of Novak with a spray bottle behind his mouth on Crossfire."

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