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August 15, 2004

For the Techies

NP: Mike Keneally Band, Dog (CD)

Okay, so if I keep my machine on for a while -- eight hours or more -- one of two things happens. Either I have Internet connectivity for everything but the World Wide Web, or I lose my network connection completely. So I'm guessing I'm losing my DNS, then eventually my IP address. When I'm not running on the wireless adapter, it's just the first one.

This is on XP Home. Any ideas? The IP thing might be tied to the "lease" on the dynamically assigned IP address from Comcast, but that doesn't really help me fix the problem.

As for the glut of posts on the topic, it was that or talk about owning a bottle of cologne for the first time, and after two tries at that, trust me, you're better off. And I'm way behind on my current events, so no politics for a while, either.


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