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August 15, 2004

There Is No War with Eastasia

NP: Mike Keneally Band, Dog (CD)

Okay, you know that part about not talking politics? Didn't last long.

Friday's Washington Post had a story primarily about Cheney ridiculing John Kerry's call for sensitivity in the war on terror. Aside from the fact that Dubya used the exact same word in a speech to the exact same audience on the exact same subject -- a small point that I fear was completely overlooked by everybody but The Daily Show, so feel free to prove me wrong and restore my faith in the media (did I just say "faith in the media"?) -- the article also contains this quote from our president, regarding Kerry's notion of reducing troop levels in six months:

"That says to the enemy: Wait for six months and one day," he said on CNN. "Or it says to the Iraqis: The Americans aren't serious. And it's very important for us not to be setting timetables."

Um, June 30th transfer of "power," anyone? Anyone? It seems unconcionable that the Post makes no mention of this glaringly obvious inconsistency, which seems to be par for the course with the major media right now, and part of the power of Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11, at least based on what I've heard about it. The administration just pretends they never said things that directly contradict what they're saying now -- or sometimes, as in Cheney's case, actively refutes that they said those things -- and the media and the public just let it go.

If we're going to be this asleep at the switch, we deserve whatever president we get stuck with.


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