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August 17, 2004

Bill Gates Can Bite Me. Hard.

NP: Screaming Headless Torsos (CD)

Oh, hell, let's just make it technology in general. Nothing that plugs in is cooperating with me today, most notably MS Excel. Data goes into pivot table, data disappears.

This is not helpful. Pulling out the individual bits I need on a case-by-case basis could take me, literally, a couple of days, or longer if I keep bitching about it over here. I'm not a happy camper. Our own application has almost unilaterally decided that it can keep all of it's data to itself.

Then there's the whole home networking mess. I think I may have figured that out. My latest guess is that when the computer goes into standby, or hibernate, or something, it cuts the power to the USB ports, which then goes on to clobber the network adapter. Hence, I had the problem with both the wired and wireless adapter.

Also, Palm suggests that my Visor cradle might now work because of, and I'm not making this up, my ZIP drive.

Time to move to a secluded shack in the mountains, is all I'm sayin'.


UPDATE: I win, motherfucker! One down, three to go. Two if I'm right about the USB thing...

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