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August 24, 2004

Life on Mars

NP: Keane, Hopes and Fears (Rhapsody)

This is really interesting. As I've, ahem, matured, I think I've sort of reached a mutual understanding of this same nature most of the time. On the one hand, the "no harm, no foul" rule. If you go out once or twice, and one of the parties isn't feeling it, no stringing along. Just move on, whether that be explicitly stated or not. I remember once continuing to go out with someone and trying to act uninterested, thinking she'd get the message, but that failed miserably and subsequently ended very awkwardly.

I've got a more hopeful take on the not calling angle than the article talks about, but the lack of contact cuts both ways, so maybe I'm a little confused by the female interpretation. Except maybe that they guy is supposed to be the aggressor? Anyway, I'm a firm believer in the "three-strike rule," which means that if you leave three unanswered phone messages, she's not interested.

That said, I've got a million little exceptions and "fouled-off pitches" as circumstances warrant, but it's definitely made navigating social situations much simpler.

Which isn't to say I feel like I have any deep insight into dating. It's pretty safe to say that I don't. Opinions, yes, but I have opinions on everything, so that shouldn't be surprising. Just not insightful opinions.


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