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September 07, 2004

The Fast Road To Obsolescence

NP: Jet, Get Born (Rhapsody)

Okay, so Amazon is running a promotion where the Treo is only $300 on the Cingular network, but I have to buy it by tomorrow. Which means I have to figure out if, as an existing Cingular customer, the whole phone number thing is relatively painless. And if, as a Cingular customer, the rebates even apply, because that's a big assumption.

On the one hand, it's $100 cheaper than Best Buy. I think. On the other hand, pictures have surfaced of the next-gen Treo, and speculation has it being released sometime in the fall.

So, do I wait for the latest and greatest and likely much more expensive model, or go for value at the price?

It's fun being an honest-to-goodness consumer again, isn't it?


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