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September 08, 2004

Reaping What I Sow

NP: John Cage, 4'33" (dance remix)

Today's spam subject spotlight: "U R Stupid Dumbass if U Pay Retail Pri-cee For Softwares afraid peculiar"

Which begs the question, what pri-cee should one pay for softwares afraid peculiar? I guess I could open the e-mail and find out, but if I succumb to spam, then the terrorists have won. Or John Kerry gets elected. Or something afraid peculiar.

The other question for Ms. Maddie Merry, alleged originator of said e-mail is, are you hitting on me afraid peculiar?

Seriously, who actually opens these e-mails often enough for people to keep sending this crap?

Afraid peculiar.

I think I'm going to start randomly saying that at the end of sentences in actual spoken conversations. Or not.


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