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September 17, 2004


NP: Primus, various (Rhapsody)

Well, looks like I was right. The wireless connection is being irreparately dropped right after AVG Anti-Virus does it's scan. Next I'll disable the scan from the networked hard drive and see if that makes the problem go away. Could be that the program isn't designed to work over networks, but that doesn't explain why the problem seemingly went away after I got the USB 2.0 adapter. Which I'm going to need anyway if I ever get that iPod, so it's not like it was a waste of money.

Spam actually came in handy in troubleshooting this, as the only way I had to figure out when the connection was going down was to look at the dates on e-mails in my spam folder. Getting spam is, effectively, the only network-related process that goes on all night and was well-documented in terms of time.


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