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October 02, 2004

Why I Hate Politics

NP: Chevelle, Wonder What's Next (MP3)

From Spin Alley on Thursday night, courtesy of the Washington Post:

Bush senior adviser Matthew Dowd told reporters for Time and the New York Times that Kerry had to overcome his "likability" problem. "Do you want this person in your living room? . . . Until he solves that, the issue specifics don't matter that much."

I can't possibly stress this enough, but we're not voting somebody into our fucking condo association here. This isn't just a GOP conceit -- they're doing it because they've got the advantage, and it would be no different if the Dems had the more telegenic candidate -- but it still pisses me off as much or more than nearly anything else in politics save the electoral college. And gerrymandered districts. And special interest lobbying.


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