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October 02, 2004

Maybe You Can Help Me

NP: Mike Keneally and Metropole Orkest, The Universe Will Provide (CD)

Where did I put my checkbook?

If you're ever wondering how my mind works, I went from lunch via the Popeye's drive-thru to figuring out if maybe I can play Queen's "One Vision" on acoustic guitar, seeing as how the end of the song substitutes "fried chicken" instead of "one vision," in one of my favorite rock song moments ever.

It's possible, but I'll probably have to transpose severely. Freddie Mercury I ain't.

I'm going to leave PJ Harvey up to fate tonight, and just head up to the Riv after watching the Fire game at The Globe and see if there are tickets left. All indications so far are that there are, which continues to surprise me.

But seriously, where's my checkbook?


What's a checkbook?

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