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October 22, 2004

Fun Facts

NP: Guided By Voices, Universal Truths and Cycles

I learned a couple of things in the City of Angels, and thought I would share:

First, if you were to base it solely on my visits, L.A. is worse than Seattle when it comes to bad weather. That's a big if, but what can I say, I'm an empiricist like that.

Second, even though Catalina Island has a building called "The Casino," it's not actually a casino. It's a movie theater (one movie, one show daily) and a museum.

Third, Pauly Shore's mom apparently owns The Comedy Store on Sunset Strip. This may explain a lot.

Fourth, golf carts are fun, even in the rain.

I'll try to post more about the trip later, but usually when I say stuff like that, it means this is all you're gonna get. More detail would probably require a bit of a paradigm shift in the kind of stuff I say in this space, and I'm not sure I'm ready to do that.


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