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October 31, 2004

Suckered and Wisconsin as a Swing State

NP: Mike Keneally and Beer For Dolphins, Dancing

Still over on Slate, I'm reading about how I might have been suckered by the Al Qaqaa story. That said, the goal in the current election environment, for better or -- more likely -- for worse, is to dominate news cycles. Given the way the GOP has been mostly shameless, in my opinion, in effecting that strategy, I'm of a mind that turnabout is fair play. If anything, it may make up for the Swift Boat nonsense earlier in the campaign.

On a similar note, the Packers beat the Redskins, and this means that the sports media -- ESPN was advancing the theory, after all -- might be spending a good part of tonight and tomorrow talking about the trend of the Redskins' pre-election result and the outcome of the election, which gives the news-cycle-domination strategy extra reach, much in the way the Red Sox win did.


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