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November 03, 2004

Or Not

NP: John Cage, 4'33"

Looks like my enthusiasm about the youth vote, along with other bits of enthusiasm, may have been premature. I'm not convinced it's over yet, and only some of that is denial.

If Bush does hang on to Ohio, though, my guess is that it's a huge validation for Rove's "get out the religious vote" strategy, because if the "moral values" Brian Williams kept talking about isn't a code word for that, then I *am* Mancow.

Of course, hanging your hat on religion in such a polarized electorate could have really, really nasty effect down the line, but I'm trying not to think about that.

And if Rove ends up the big winner, Zogby would pretty clearly be the big loser. Well, him and the entirety of the Democratic party, especially if Thune noses out Daschle in South Dakota. That would make this the most closely contested rout in election history, I think.


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