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November 06, 2004

The Longest Week

NP: Mike Keneally + Metropole Orkest, The Universe Will Provide

I guess I sorta knew I was worn out, but wow, I crashed hard after the gig last night. The Webb Wilder credo in almost full effect, with particular emphasis on "wear glasses if you need 'em" when you consider that I've been wearing a two-year old pair of contact lenses because I ripped my last pair of disposables this week.

I almost felt like I was falling asleep while I was playing, or at the very least, was wrapped almost entirely in cotton. Kinda surreal. More on the gig (bloomin' blokes!) on the oft-neglected drumming pages later, if I get around to it, but I'm probably going to be singularly unambitious today if I can at all help it.

Although I might undertake some structural changes to the site. We'll see.


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