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November 09, 2004

Thinking In Black And White

NP: Roni Size and Reprazent, Return To V

I got a set of solitaire games for my Visor a long while ago. One odd thing I noticed right off the bat was that I sucked at Freecell.

This is interesting because, back in the day when I had an office with a door, I was very, very good at Freecell. I geek off on the fact that you're allegedly able to win every possible game, and I don't quit easily. I remember telling my current roommate, years ago, that I had something like a 67% winning average on my work PC, and she was kinda floored by that.

Needless to say, I found it interesting that I suddenly wasn't very good. What I realized almost immediately was that the key difference between playing on a PC and playing on my handheld was that the PC was in color and the handheld was not. For something relying so heavily on pattern recognition, this very quickly became my explanation for the disparity.

This week, I seem to have cracked the black and white version.

Since rejoining the everyday workforce, and particularly since I've started doing some heavy analytical lifting again, I've noticed that I'm shaking off some definite cognitive atrophy. I'm seeing things a little deeper again. This makes me happy.


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