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November 10, 2004

Hitting a Man with Glasses

NP: Soundgarden, Superunknown

I wore glasses full-time for about 20 years, maybe a little longer. I have no idea how I did it.

Having torn my last pair of disposables, I'm opting for glasses over the two-year old extended wear contacts I never threw out, and after three days, I'm going nuts. There's almost a persistent fog around me, and there's a weird subconscious thing going on where I don't feel entirely like myself.

Switching to contacts had a real effect on my personality, I think. Sort of like the last shackles of being a total nerd being thrown off or something, and now I'm being reminded of that earlier version of me, which I'm not entirely proud of. I'm not sure. But I would be really happy if that new box of contacts came in tomorrow.


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