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November 14, 2004

They're Kidding, Right?

NP: The Hives, Veni, Vidi, Vicious

For a second there, I thought the New York Times called the governorship of New Jersey "the nation's most powerful governor's job."

Wait, you mean they did? Seriously? At the very end of the piece, they make a case for it being an important battle, and yeah, I buy that. But the most powerful governor's job? That's a tough pill to swallow, and not just out of reflexive New Jersey-bashing. I grew up there. I defend New Jersey regularly. Unless winning the state means getting The Sopranos to support you and your policies unconditionally -- and maybe, on some level, that's not far from the truth -- I just don't see how you can equate "New Jersey" and "power."


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