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November 29, 2004

Eyes And Ears

NP: Rhapsody - Radiohead radio station

Okay, I don't want to alarm you, but I had a dream last night where Hardball's Chris Matthews taught me a different way to play "The Bends" from Radiohead on guitar. No, I don't know what to make of it, either.

My right contact lens was completely useless this morning. They've been unusually sticky lately, in that they get slightly disoriented on my cornea and I can't see very well as a result. Those of you with astigmatism know what I'm talking about. The lenses are weighted so that they always fit correctly. Except that they don't, and I actually had to take my contacts out on the walk to the El.

Meanwhile, in other sensory modalities, I have become hip to the ways of looping the earbud from my headphones over my ear, so that gravity doesn't do it's thing and misalign the 'phones, degrading the audio experience. So if I couldn't see for shit this morning, at least I could hear my CD player.


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