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December 01, 2004

Top Ten With A Bullet

NP: Mos Def, The New Danger

This story and interview makes me actually want to watch MSNBC more often. Countdown, anyway. Read the whole thing, if you can (click here and look for it if that link doesn't work). Really good stuff. One of the highlights:

OJR: Now that Ron Artest has attacked fans in a sporting arena, can we expect Dick Cheney or a Congressman to start taking punches at the media or people in the gallery?

KO: Lord, I hope so.

Plus, he likens MSNBC's early web efforts to a Simpsons episode, which is always going to score points in my book.

Seriously, though, I always thought Olbermann was the greater half of the classic "Big Show" on ESPN -- mostly because he cracked wise a lot more, I guess, even if that invalidates my "seriously" clause -- and this just reinforces the notion that he's worth paying attention to. I've seen some positing in the blogosphere that the nightly news, in the wake of Brokaw and Rather's departures, should look to anchors to be more than just talking heads. Bill O'Reilly and Jon Stewart have both been cited as possible models, but Olbermann seems like somebody who would fit this mold a lot better to me.


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