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December 03, 2004

Name That Jingle

NP: A Perfect Circle, eMOTIVe

So I'm reading about Barry Bonds saying he "didn't realize" he took steroids a couple of years ago, and I've now got this old chewing gum commercial running through my head. The payoff pitch was "he didn't know the gum was loaded," but I can't remember what the product was.

Anybody have a clue? There may be a free drink in it for you if you're local.

I realize I'm exposing that mini-generation gap with some of you who I talked to about yesterday's post, as it was definitely on in the early eighties. If not earlier. I can't imagine that slogan making it past the arbiters -- a word suspiciously close to 'arbitrary,' which I just noticed -- of good taste these days.

Listening to sports talk radio last night, it seems this baseball-on-steroids story is trying hard to gain cosmic significance. Granted, I don't tend to pantheonize sports figures, so I may be the wrong person to judge, but I just don't see it. This is too much of a "dog bites man" story to me, and as such, it's predetermined not to shake anyone's faith in pro sports. Certainly not as much as Ron Artest's antics, and even that's debateable in terms of long-term effects and fan disillusionment.


It was "Freshen-Up" gum. I vaguely remembered the ad, but I cheated and googled the phrase (I'm surprised you didn't try that!)..

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