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December 08, 2004

The Wrath Of Coz

NP: A.C. Newman, The Slow Wonder

I've been told that this website would be much more interesting with more gratuitous references to Mary and Katy, not to be confused with gratuitous references to Mary-Kate. So there you go.

The Open Jam was a pretty good time last night. The Grinch killed. Who knows, by Christmas I might actually learn all the words. The slowed-down version of the Hives tune seemed to go over pretty well, too.

Mike seemed to think I was going to beat him up, which amuses me to no end. He had already played four songs on a night when we had something like ten different people to get up on stage, and when everyone else was only playing three, and then he acted all innocent about it. So I might have been a little visibly annoyed. He's constantly looking for preferential treatment, and I think maybe we err a bit in giving it to him, because then he expects it all the time. He apologized to me at least two or three times in the bar, and then again when I ran into him getting pizza up the street afterwards.

Anyway, the way things are going, we may need to have them keep a list behind the bar before we get there to maintain some sort of order. Which is, ultimately, a good thing, as it helps justify our existence. Two new people last night, and the return of some old alumni.

And after hacking through it acoustically again, it looks like we're actually going to try "Let Me Entertain You" on Thursday. Avi, if you're reading this, consider yourself warned.


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