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December 13, 2004

Tyranny Of The Majority, Thy Name Is Missouri

NP: John Cage, 4'33"

You would think that, once the 2004 election was over, conservatives would maybe dial down the "liberalism = terrorism" rhetoric.

You'd be wrong. Here's the money shot, from State Representative Cynthia Davis of Missouri:

"It's like when the hijackers took over those four planes on Sept. 11 and took people to a place where they didn't want to go," she added. "I think a lot of people feel that liberals have taken our country somewhere we don't want to go."

Obviously, she's referring to the fact that, if same-sex marriages were made legal, we'd all have to marry someone of the same sex. And, if abortions are legal, we all must get one. The fact that allowing something is not the same as proscribing it never seems to dawn on these nutjobs. I guess it's not us they hate, it's our freedom.

Maybe that's the strategy. Since the terrorists hate our freedom, what better way to solve the problem than to take it away?


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