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December 13, 2004

Christmas With The Devil

NP: David Sylvian, Everything and Nothing

Saw my friend Phineas on the northbound El platform as I was headed south yesterday, on my way to be a good little holiday consumer and buy two things for me for every gift purchased. As we bantered across the tracks, the much-ballyhooed and almost-cancelled "Christmas Train" sped by on his side after a hard day of circling the Loop, with not even the slightest drop in speed.

Phin calls me after I get on my train to comment that this pretty much cements where he stands on the naughty-nice continuum. I counter that I've never actually witnessed Christmas passing someone by. The jokes just write themselves.

Tough break for the guy Julia Roberts named her kid Phinneas after due to their torrid affair, and by "torrid," I mean "totally made up." The extra N is for nocommericalpotential.net, of course.


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