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December 21, 2004

Evaluating Values

NP: Yes, Fragile

So, I read this article this morning, and have left it open in a browser tab all day thinking I'd have something to say about it.

I don't, really. It mostly speaks for itself. For those of you not inclined to click links, the gist is basically that the "red states" -- and more to the point, red "communities" -- consume as much smut as anyone else in the country, and sometimes more, and that there's a long history of that smut actually coming from nominal conservatives, or at least Republicans.

I'm torn between laughing at the hypocrisy, pondering the perception gap, or beating my head against the wall because so many people seem so freakin' dumb.

As a stridently pragmatic independent, this is sort of a quiet time for me. Most of the action right now is well within the core of each of the parties, so there's not really much for the rest of us to do. There's certainly stuff going on, but without an imminent election, going on and on about any of it just seems a bit pointless. Or at least undirected, which might be the same thing.


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