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December 29, 2004

Moore Is Better

NP: Audioslave, Audioslave

My home PC is about four years old. My work PC, up until this morning, may have been older, despite the fact that the company I work for is barely more than four years old. As such, I'm used to certain resource-intensive computing processes, such as, well ANYTHING, taking some time. Sometimes, a lot of time, to the point where I've had entire workdays go by where I'm mostly waiting for data transformations on large files. Which is where the blogging tends to come in to make the wait go by quicker.

No longer. I've now got a 3GHz P4 with 1GB of RAM at my disposal. I swear this thing finishes shit before I've finished starting it. It's crazy, and is only going to make me want to upgrade my home machine that much more. After I upgrade my TV. And my phone.

Sigh. Progress can suck sometimes, in the absence of winning lottery numbers.


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