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December 29, 2004

Appeal to Geekdom

NP: Eric Johnson, Tones

Has anybody out there tried those reading glasses that are supposed to cut down on computer screen glare? I guess they're pretty much just driving glasses, right? Do they seem to help? I just grabbed a pair of lightly tinted sunglasses from the drug store, but (a) people already think I'm weird around here, and wearing sunglasses at my desk all day isn't going to help, and (b) if there's anything in particular that anyone has had success with, I'd love to know about it.

This glare is fucking killing me. And that's not just the hangover talking. I don't know if this is the byproduct of almost a week away from a computer screen or what.


uh, dude, they make filters that go on the monitors...

they polarize the light, which helps, and protect your unborn infant from strange electromagnetic waves

i used 'em a few years ago... newer monitor displays seem to work better now, so i don't bother with it anymore.

display quality makes a big difference

setting the display to maximum refresh rates should help some, too (assuming the displays and/or associated hardware (display card/video ram/etc are good enough to have high rates available)

hope this helps

Yeah, for some reason I don't like the filters all that much, so I was approaching the problem from the other end. Plus, it would help with the hangovers.

And it's a crap display. They didn't upgrade that with the box, unfortunately.

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