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December 31, 2004

For The Record

NP: Duckman

In case you were wondering, resolutions need not go into effect until the first business day of the year.

It pains me that mine are so pedestrian this year, but what are you going to do? Well, if you're me, you're going to quit drinking for two months, lose weight, practice drums more often and, for good measure and just to sort of ram home the lack of imagination of it all, floss regularly.

We'll see how that goes. I don't remember if I formally resolved last year to, you know, get a job, but if I did it worked out great. I do recall resolving to write that book on online music, but then the other thing happened and sorta squeezed my free time like a grapefruit.

Overall, if not writing the book was the biggest disappointment of 2004, I think I did pretty good. Things worked out, which is a lot more than I can say about the previous year. There may be more on the reflection/prediction front over the next couple of days, so watch out.


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