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January 05, 2005

In No Particular Order

NP: Coldplay, A Rush Of Blood To The Head

Playing catchup, but here goes.

  • I feel like I came upon somebody trying to break into my car the other night. There was a van right up along side of it as I returned from a friends' place, and it drove off rather hurriedly upon my arrival. The weird part is that there was a fuse cover in my back seat that made me feel like the car had been violated, but nobody had been inside as far as I could tell. I think that came out from under the seat last time I had the car washed, but it still triggered the feeling that I saved my stereo and possibly a window.
  • The back pain seems to have gone away, which is good, because it was seriously affecting my sleep ever since I was in Virginia for the holidays.
  • Got my new phone. So far so good, although there are some categorical inconsistencies with some things and I need a spare data cable and a car charger. The background on the display is a pain in the ass, but I can customize that later, along with the ringtones. I'll probably just grab the source material for the ones I had programmed into the old phone. No more Visor!
  • If I was critical of our government for their initial slow and paltry response to the disaster in Southeast Asia, I have to give them some props for improving. I agree with Mark Cuban, though.
  • Okay, so Eddy Curry is good enough that the Bulls need him to win. I still think he needs to protect the ball better on offense and the rim on defense. Tonight, for the first time in a long while, is a game they should win, so we'll see what happens.
  • Mike of Bowling Road Trip fame returned to Vaughan's last night, and did not disappoint. One word. Whitesnake. Yeah, OK Go used to cover it, too, but not acoustically. I'm totally stealing that one. It was also Anto's birthday, but I was unable to drink to that, what with the New Year's resolution and all.
  • Duckman on DVD! At the risk of using the wrong animated character catchphrase, woo hoo!

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