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January 24, 2005

Bart Would Be Proud

NP: John Cage, 4'33"

Jeff Jarvis summarizes a whole bevy of complaints from the out-to-lunch Parents Television Council that have been rejected by the FCC. And then lists them in detail. My favorite, at least among the ones I bothered to read?

g. “Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me,” January 8, 2003, 8 p.m. EST: musical number during which the title character’s naked torso and genital area are blocked by objects, furniture, and, in one instance, by his hands. Later scenes include the use of the phrase “fat bastard,” and the word “testicles.” In another scene from this film, a male and a female character are in bed together, but no sexual or excretory organs or activities are depicted or discussed.

They objected to this, but not to a character named "Ivana Humpalot"? Or "Felicity Shagwell"? And did they not see the first movie, with "Alotta Fagina"?

Seriously, if you're going to bitch about stuff, at least bitch about the right stuff. I'm reminded of Jon Stewart's exasperation a few weeks back at the libraries in Mississippi banning his book for the naked pictures of the Supreme Court justices, when there's just a lot more objectionable stuff in it, by his own admission.


Much more important stuff to bitch about:




Hey, you'll get no argument from me that the major newsmedia is massively fucked up, as evidenced by the Rather fiasco (to which I'm not going to ascribe "gate" status, sorry). If you try to claim it's only fucked up on the left, then we don't agree.

Second, let's assume it IS a more important thing to bitch about. Then why is the PTC and all this indecency bullshit getting ANY traction in the media? This, of course, goes back to point number one. If things like this are so important, why are people getting their panties all twisted about SpongeBob SquarePants?


when Al Jazeera is giving more balanced and accurate reporting on Iraq than the U.S. media, both pro and con the U.S. and the war, then, yes, indeed, things are much more fucked up on the left.

BTW, in case you weren't aware, Bush fired Powell from the FCC.

Obviously, there was a problem there. We have a president that gets things done because they need to get done.

Ashcroft got fired, too.

Hey bitch dude,

When Bush fires *himself*... then I'll be impressed.


You are a lucky man!

I'm investigating a story right now, verified by credible experts, that Bush already has fired himself and covered up his subsequent re-hiring.

Indeed, this is quite a scandal and we have the irrefutable proof.

As always, CBS News will be the first to report it to you because it's our job to ask the difficult questions. This story is hotter than a cat on a tin roof.

Stay tuned to 60 Minutes for further breaking developments.


Dan Rather
CBS News


Until your journalistic skills rise to the level of Sean Hannity I'm afraid that I will not be able to take you seriously.

Or Sheppard Smith.

One or the other.

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